HomeNewsRock County NewsRock Haven Resolution Opposing Mandatory Vaccinations

Rock Haven Resolution Opposing Mandatory Vaccinations

Update 1/28/2021: The Committee voted 3-1 for the resolution (NO mandatory vaccinations for employees).  That could still be overturned by the Board of Supervisors meeting at 6pm on January 28, 2021.  Votes were as follows:

Tom Brien, voted yes
Mary Beaver voted yes
Kevin Leavy absent
Ron Bomkamp voted no because he trusts Fauci
Kathy Schulz voted yes
Watch the video here.  Mary was amazing.  Kathy was excellent.  Tom wants the vaccine himself but is not ok mandating it.  Kevin skipped the meeting completely and Ron Bomkamp literally said “Fauci wouldn’t give us anything unsafe” So there’s that.
Watch it here:

The Rock County Health Services Board is voting this coming Thursday January 28 at 7:45 am in a committee on a resolution titled: Establishing a Policy Prohibiting Rock Haven from Requiring COVID-19 Vaccines for Staff. 


1. This will go to committee at 7:45am on Thursday and they will vote (item 5a) AND 2. it will go to the Board of Supervisors at 6pm on Thursday and they could change the morning vote of the committee if they want.  We need to contact BOTH the committee members AND all of the Board of Supervisors, particularly your own.

(Click here to see the full resolution) The committee will present their results in the Thursday evening Board of Supervisors meeting.  The last Board of Supervisors meeting had 28 public comments against mandatory vaccinations but the Board chose to only read 5 for some reason.  Click here to read all the letters, including a couple that mention severe reactions from the first dose.


Step 1:
CALL EACH MEMBER of the Rock County Health Services Committee. You must call on Tuesday January 26 or Wednesday January 27.  Thursday’s meeting is 7:45 am so there will not be time to call the day of the meeting. You want them to vote IN FAVOR of item 5a on the agenda.

They are not used to getting calls.  Calls get attention.  Emails can be ignored.  You can send an email also but please, please, please…CALL.  Call all five of them before Thursday.

Tom Brien, Chair 608-921-0065 tom.brien@co.rock.wi.us
Mary Beaver, Vice Chair  608-882-1152 mary.beaver@co.rock.wi.us
Kevin Leavy 608-364-4525 kevin.leavy@co.rock.wi.us
Ron Bomkamp 608-295-4664 ronald.bomkamp@co.rock.wi.us
Kathy Schulz 608-490-3123 kathy.schulz@co.rock.wi.us

Contact YOUR supervisor and tell them you are opposed to mandatory vaccinations
2a.  You can find your district by clicking here
2b.  Find your supervisor’s phone number and email here.

Call anyone you know that lives in Rock County and feels the same way about freedom, liberty, and mandatory vaccinations and have them do Steps 1 & 2.  They do not have to be an employee of Rock Haven to speak about the item on the agenda.

Attend the committee meeting at 7:45am on Thursday via zoom or phone and give a live public comment.  If you are unable to attend, then email a comment in advance. As we know from the last meeting, they can choose to ignore emailed comments so live comments are better.    You will probably have 2-3 minutes to speak.  Sometimes the committees are a little more flexible with the time limits than the actual Board of Supervisors.

You must submit your comments by noon on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.  Email vanzandt@co.rock.wi.us and either submit a pre-written comment to be read or let her know you will be calling in by phone or by zoom. Remember that you want to vote in favor of item 5a on the agenda.

To join by zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85886940571?pwd=d0oxZG9uYjVNdStMNldSd1B2MHVhUT09

To call in by phone:
CALL: 1-312-626-6799   MEETING ID: 858 8694 0751     PASSCODE: 013472

Attend the actual Board of Supervisors meeting at 6pm on Thursday 1/28/2021 to vote in favor of item 11e, when the actual vote on the resolution takes place.

If you are interested in providing public comments on items on this agenda, you must submit your comments by noon on Thursday, January 28, 2021. To submit public comment use the following link: https://www.co.rock.wi.us/public-comment-request. At this meeting, the County Board will allow live public comment up to a total of 40 minutes.

I don’t know if this will work or not but contact chair Rich Bostwick 608-752-9199 and tell him you would like to call in and speak live at the meeting so you need a zoom id or phone number.  Kara Purviance made this allowance even though a number is not listed on the agenda.  They are trying to discourage public comment.

While you have him on the phone, tell him you strongly oppose mandatory vaccinations and to vote in favor of item 11e.



Step 5 (Additional Research)

Apparently the layoffs are being justified by Rock County Ordinance 18.613

Rock County Layoffs 18.613
Rock County Layoffs 18.613

Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_hwJkhNo9w

Visit the Constitutional Law Group

Constitutional Rights as an employee

  1. 1st Amendment: Protects freedom of Religion.
  2. 4th Amendment: Protects their Property, which is their rights and bodies.
  3. 14th Amendment: Shall not deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  4. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Protects the health of anyone who has a medical condition and that contradicts the wearing of a mask.
  5. Civil Rights Act of 1964: Outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Print and serve clg_noticeofdiscrimination–2—6- (edit out the private business portion) on Josh Smith and Sara Beran

Watch this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1tJRRnpGXCQF/

Watch Dr. Patrick Flynn’s playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT0K34JTwPaAScseicaVQ8lJDElOpcwQs

If you have any additional information to add to this research and information section, leave a comment.



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  1. As an American nurse, as a patriot sworn to defend the US Constitution and as a decent human being.. I find this appalling. I understand one employee NOT INVOLVED IN DIRECT PATIENT CARE. has had a severe reaction. This WAS brought to the attention of Rock County management.
    As a nurse, I know that the majority of Rock Haven staff are likely to be female. Were these people singled out because they were less likely to resist? Less likely to be able to afford to lose their jobs? You are looking at the reason this nurse drove by RockHaven to a job in Madison for 6 years. No amount of money would convince me to sacrifice my rights and possibly my life just to keep a job. I would NOT want anyone who would make such a choice caring for me or my loved ones. Most importantly, I do NOT want anyone who forces people into such a choice representing me. This immoral mandate shames all involved in creating and enforcing it. May God have mercy on your souls.

  2. Sally Horton I for one am glad to have the shot.I love my residents if they are taking it ,I am taking it.If you are in health care you should be taking it as well. Read the data involved.Do your own study ,make your decision on your lifestyle ,don’t encourage others to have your fears.May God Bless you and keep you far from covid 19.

  3. Donna, that is your choice and opinion. I was vaccinated the 1st time as my choice but the 2nd dose I did NOT want because of fear I would be incapacitated for days after experiencing the 1st dose and guess what… my fear became reality!! 🙁 Everyone should have the right to say no at any point! Got the 1st dose and want to wait longer before getting the 2nd dose should’ve been an option. Want to schedule an appointmentwith your own doctor and discuss your medical issues then you should be allowed the TIME needed to do that! “My body my choice” Sara RUSHED this entire process and left people with only moments to make a critical decision. When questions arose Sara could NOT answer those questions and continues to refer staff to the CDC website! Staff would appreciate a nursing leader that leads by offering resources and education BEFORE trying to bully staff NOT afterwards!! I choose when and how from here on out! Choosing/chose and EDUCATION are to critical components that would have prevented the loss of essential staff that were dedicated to our organization. This choice remains independent & was important THEN too especially for the NOW accepted exemption of pregnant women!! Too bad we already lost a great staff member who was/is pregnant because of this bullying tactic of Sara Beran’s!! She HAS created this mess and is 100% directly RESPONSIBLE for everything that is to come!! I pray & hope she resigns every single day!

  4. Donna, that is your choice and opinion. I was vaccinated the 1st time as my choice but the 2nd dose I did NOT want because of fear I would be incapacitated for days after experiencing the 1st dose and guess what… my fear became reality!! 🙁 Everyone should have the right to say no at any point! Got the 1st dose and want to wait longer before getting the 2nd dose then you should’ve been given that option. Want to schedule an appointment with your own doctor and discuss your medical issues then you should be allowed the TIME needed to do that! “My body my choice” Sara RUSHED this entire process and left people with insufficient time, education & resources to make an informed critical decision as she enjoyed her Christmas vacation and we all worked! When questions arose & even still arose about the vaccine Sara lacks the knowledge and resources NEEDED to answer those questions and CONTINUES to refer staff to the CDC website! Staff would appreciate a nursing leader that leads by offering resources and education BEFORE trying to bully staff NOT afterwards!! I choose when and how from here on out! I am done being pushed around by her new found dictator-syndrome! Choosing/choice and EDUCATION are 2 critical components that would have prevented the loss of essential staff that were dedicated to our organization. This choice remains independent & was important THEN & NOW! Too bad we already lost a great staff member who was/is pregnant because of this bullying tactic of Sara Beran’s!! Everyone is getting phone calls to work our days off, work 16 hour days & getting calls/texts to cover up the mess Sara created! For me, I go in because it is our duty to protect our patients but…. Sara CREATED this mess and is 100% directly RESPONSIBLE for everything that is happening now and is yet to come!! I pray & hope she resigns every single day!

  5. Do you see Sara working 16 hour days as a CNA or picking up shifts outside of her normal schedule?? No you don’t! Ask yourself why that is when if she REALLY cared for the Rock Haven residents why is she INTENTIONALLY creating a hardship for everyone involved!!


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