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Rock County Citizens Call For In-Person Meetings for Supervisors

Rock County citizens voiced their displeasure with the Rock County Board of Supervisors on the virtual board meeting Thursday 9/24/2020 (video below).

Citizens made it clear that it is time for the Supervisors to stop hiding at home behind their computers and return to in-person meetings immediately.   The frustration and distrust felt by members of the public for the Board of Supervisors was clear during public comment.

Virtual meetings negatively affect seniors, the technologically challenged, people without smartphones or modern computers,  and individuals without high speed internet access and they actively discourage citizen participation.

Zoom or other virtual meetings also lend themselves to very unprofessional behavior.   You can see board members eating, talking to people off camera, and possibly even sleeping.  For some  board members, their irritation with public comment is palpable.

Calls without video are worse.  For the board members without video, who knows if they are listening or even in the room. They could be in their pajamas watching Netflix and eating ice cream during the meeting.  In-person meetings demand a level of professionalism that virtual meetings just cannot provide.

Kara Purviance
Kara Purviance

Many Rock County citizens have called Supervisor Chair Kara Purviance on the phone and have not received a satisfactory reply.

According to the members of the public that have spoken to Ms. Purviance, she claims the board members are simply ‘not comfortable’ meeting in person. During the zoom meeting, she did note that  a survey about in-person meetings was sent out to the board members but not all of them have returned the survey.

There is, of course, nothing in the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law that refers to an elected official’s ‘comfort level’ with meetings.  Open meetings law does require however that “all meetings of all state and local governmental bodies shall be publicly held in places reasonably accessible to members of the public and shall be open to all citizens at all times.”

According to the WI Open Meeting Law Compliance Guide relating to Wisconsin Open Meetings law (Wis. Stat. §§ 19.81–19.98) ” transparency is the cornerstone of democracy and that citizens cannot hold elected officials accountable in a representative government unless government is performed in the open.”

According to the Compliance Guide, “The requirement that meeting locations be reasonably accessible to the public and open to all citizens at all times means that governmental bodies must hold their meetings in rooms that are reasonably calculated to be large enough to accommodate all citizens who wish to attend the meetings.”

Open meeting law does not specifically reference zoom meetings but it does specifically reference room size.  If the current meeting room for the Board is not large enough to accommodate the board and members of the public, a larger space should be found.

There are plenty of gymnasiums and auditoriums in Rock County that would work nicely.  “Any doubt as to whether a meeting facility is large enough to satisfy the requirement should be resolved in favor of holding the meeting in a larger facility.” [Compliance Guide]

This is a volatile time and citizens are watching their freedoms and liberties being removed at a record pace.  Furthermore, the WCA (Wisconsin Counties Association) is a group that ‘advises the counties on action’ and many counties blindly take their advice whether or not it’s in the public’s best interest.

Examples of current WCA recommended action include giving health officers police powers to enter homes and remove people without a warrant. That has not been proposed in Rock yet, but it has been in many Wisconsin counties at the behest of the WCA.

The WCA is a corporate interest group and does not have the best interest of the citizens of Wisconsin in mind at all. Citizens  have a need to watch their county board like a hawk and it is essential that citizens have the ability to use their voice to counter the ‘advice of the WCA’ and to question any other unlawful or unconstitutional mandates dictated to the public.

To make matters worse,  the Rock County Public Meeting’s YouTube channel, which started in March of 2020, disabled comments to further underscore their commitment to avoiding public discourse and comment.

You can always comment on Rock County Action’s YouTube channel.  We will do our best to livestream the Board meetings on Facebook and post the recording to our channel for anyone to comment.

Members of the public can currently make public comment at the Rock County Board of Supervisors meetings by emailing their comment by noon on the day of the meeting.  The comment is then read by the County Clerk into the record.  This reading of the comments removes the passion and emotion felt by the writer of the comment.

When asked why the public cannot call into the meeting via zoom and make their comment live on zoom, Purviance said making direct comment is an option but the form to sign up has been left off of the agendas since July.  Purviance did make sure it was added to the agenda but it was already after noon on the day of the meeting.

The Rock County Board of Supervisors meets twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday at 6pm.  You can now submit your comment or sign up to speak live by using this form.    Comments are limited to 40 minutes and speakers have up to 2 minutes to make their comment.

Comments read into record at the meeting and posted on social media  from the public about in-person meetings:

“I feel the Rock County Board of Supervisors is intentionally trying to silence us and keep us from making our voices heard by refusing to meet in-person”

“With all the important issues concerning every day life for our citizens, it should be a priority to include their input in a comfortable way. I am sure in your daily life you move about the community. You already require masks and distancing. Do you feel you need more protection? What would that be”

“I have talked to several people who are technology challenged who want to attend but see zoom as a barrier to this.”

“If my five year old can stay six feet apart and wear a mask covering for school each day, I have no doubt adults can do as well.”

I rarely use a laptop and don’t plan on buying a new one just to attend Rock County board meetings. I don’t understand why people can’t attend the meetings and sit a few feet apart. We need new board members.

Comments from individuals that watched the meeting online:

It honestly sounds like someone had cricket noise in the background of their video. But it also feels very symbolic of the responses of all of those people on the screens 😅

I get irritated watching the meeting when the one gal (Danette Rynes) is either eating, fixing or putting her hair up, or holding her dog. (Every meeting, not just a one time event). It is extremely distracting.

“You could see Yuri chatting with someone else off screen. They have to act like professionals in person.

Wes Davis literally looks asleep.

Public Comment Section of the Rock County Board of Supervisors Meeting 9/24

Full video transcript:

I don’t see any of the three people who signed up

So then I will go to reading them

Lisa maybe we can come back to that after we are done reading in case anyone is just joining us a little late

OK, we can do that

Thank you

We had several that wrote in so we’ll start with those

The first one is Michael Zoril. Please have the board start meeting again in person immediately.

The next one is from James Stevens. Good day. Hope you are all doing well. To be brief, my request is simple. Return to open public meetings before the next scheduled meeting in October 2020. Continuing online meetings actually restricts public access. The app is glitchy and isn’t a reliable tool. Your constituents deserve to see all of you in person. Closed door meetings are disingenuous, eliminate transparency, and lead to nothing positive.

The next one is from Tana Fauske. I am against extending the mask mandate. However, if it is extended businesses need to be reminded that many who are medically exempt due to disabilities are also hearing impaired. If it is extended, please remind businesses that some customers rely on lip reading to understand what is being spoken. So if we ask you to lower your mask and you are behind Plexiglas, please do so.

The next one is from William Uffenbeck. I respectfully request that you return to in person meetings immediately. Millions of workers from all spectrums are able to daily attend work for full shifts without issue. So there shouldn’t be any problems with this.

The next one is from Christine Raleigh. Thank you for your continued efforts in serving our community and for providing the chance for public to comment. I would like to bring up the topic of in person meetings. Please return to an in person format. Considering the Covid-19 prevention measures currently in place, there should be no reason physical in-person meetings cannot resume. I truly believe in person meetings are important in allowing for the general public to take part and feel involved in the things happening in the county. It gives community members a chance to have their voices heard and also allows for transparency with what is happening in our county during these hard times.

The next one is from Gretel Grinvalds. Why are there no in person meetings? Bars, grocery stores, and restaurants are all open. Secondly, why are you allowing unelected health officials to issue mandates? Thirdly, why is there a need for a mask mandate? It would seem that personal responsibility and where a citizen is comfortable with on this issue retains liberty.

The next one’s from Kim Hendricks. When will the Rock County Board be resuming in person meetings? It is much harder to follow the information on zoom and stifled conversations. With all the important issues concerning every day life for our citizens, it should be a priority to include their input in a comfortable way. I am sure in your daily life you move about the community. You already require masks and distancing. Do you feel you need more protection? What would that be? Please consider reinstating in person meetings and public input. Thank you.

The next one is from Gina Dummer. I asked a question like this at our last meeeting stating that I was looking forward to a response back and I did not receive one. I am concerned that the patrons of Rock County are not getting heard. I am concerned that due to these board meetings not being open to the public and in person to attend, us the public that you are representing are given no regard or concerns to our questions. You are given these roles for a reason and a part of that reason is to make sure you are listening to the residents of Rock County. I am again asking, what is the reason that Rock County Board meetings are not in person? There is a way to meet in person safely. If my five year old can stay six feet apart and wear a mask covering for school each day, I have no doubt adults can do as well. Thank you in advance for your response.

Marilyn, did you see any of the other three come in?

No, I did not.

Oh, just a moment. We do have Jen Sorbe. I think is the name.

Can you unmute Jen?

Jen, would you like to speak?


Go ahead Jen. You have two minutes.

My whole thing is just questioning when we are going to get back to the public forum. That’s my question. I’m really curious about that because there are people that I know that I know that have been voicing concerns just about things in general and whats going on and I said you should really get involved or go in to a meeting and they said, I don’t really understand how to do that or I don’t really understand how to get on a call or for instance, last time I joined a meeting with you guys, maybe it was a month ago, I don’t remember and the trouble with it was that there was no opportunity. My question was read but there was no opportunity to be part of the public forum. Comments were blocked on the YouTube so we couldn’t even have conversation amongst ourselves and it feels, it feels like it is such a separatist situation right now and I feel like we can’t connect with you guys and you can’t connect with us and I have been to numerous restaurants and I see people doing business and thinking that it’s time for our own community and you guys to start doing business so we can show up and participate, hear what you have to say, you can hear what we have to say. That’s something that I am really hopeful that we can accomplish in short order.

I don’t need the full two minutes so that was my thing. You can come back to me for Tom.

OK, Board Members, I wanted to make the following comments regarding Rock County policy in regards to Covid. Number 1, public in person meetings. I would like to ask that we return to in person meetings. I have talked to several people who are technology challenged who want to attend but see zoom as a barrier to this. What is the plan on returning?

Number 2, Mask Mandates. I saw that health was going to issue a mask mandate for Rock County at least if the governor’s order gets lifted. What has changed since we were told that un-elected health could not make those kinds of decisions without specific legislative approval?

Number 3, Numbers used to push mask mandates. Are you aware and is Mrs Sandoval aware that secretary designee Palm has been playing with the numbers to produce artificially high positive counts? In a story reported this week, DHS has been removing negative numbers of people that have tested negative at a previous date. And only using new people to test in her calculations to determine the positive ratio that is driving all the call for mask mandates. For instance, on September 15th, Wisconsin tested 200,000 people for Covid. About 1,300 of those returned positive. You would think that would give us a positive rate of about 6% but DHS dropped 8,000 negative tests because they were for people who had been tested before giving us a positive rate closer to 12%. This has been going on for some time. Why are we using rigged data to make Covid numbers worse than they are? Were any of you aware that this was going on? Since Sandoval has been using Palm’s data, she either has to know or did not divulge it. Will there be any consequences for this manipulation? I was told by one of the board members that we were following ‘the science’. When I went to school we were never allowed to change the data to arrive at a conclusion. That is not science. The ready science is that eight weeks of statewide masking has led us to double digit positive increases according to the numbers health is using. So which is it? Are we using the rigged data which shows the mask mandate has failed or are we going with the actual data which shows no need for a mandate? I know you don’t answer these questions live but I want an answer on this. Thank you and I look forward to your responses and I asked him to just give me some information on just where he was getting this information from and the mcgiver institute. you can just go on their recent post and you will find it at that point on there. He asks, I wonder how long you guys, or whoever these people are doing this, stopped counting the second negative of tests. This affects the negative vs positive ratio so if the negatives are being removed from the ratios then multiple positives are showing up, you’re not getting an accurate ratio. September 13, 20,000 were tested, 1,300 were positive up against 12,000. He says that he has a nurse friend who has tested three times. This nurse friend has stated that only his first test was documented because all three of them were negative. If it was positive, it would have been counted. This skews the results ultimately. He says he does believe in science but all the info needs to be in there in order for it to be accurate and he would like you guys to follow up. Tom Nelson and if you can follow up with some answers on those three questions. Thank you.

Thank you Jen.

Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels

Should Lockdowns Be Off the Table? A Stanford Professor Speaks Out

“Another lockdown would be disastrous, Governor. At this point, we know that the benefits of lockdown are small.  All they do is push cases off into the future.  It doesn’t actually prevent the disease from happening.  And the costs are absolutely catastrophic, enormous.

Schools are a good example of this.  Schools are places where kids get, obviously, education, but they get nutrition through school lunches, school breakfasts.  They get counseling they have psychological problems or abuse is picked up.

People who don’t go to the hospital because they’re more scared of COVID than they are of cancer is a disaster. Parents who don’t take their kid in for immunization.

Lockdown costs are absolutely catastrophic.  We know that for a fact; there’s not uncertainty around that.  Whereas we’ve learned from our experience over the last few months that the lockdown benefits are much smaller than expected.  Places that have locked down – for instance Argentina and Spain famously locked down very sharply, and yet they’re still seeing a sharp rise in cases.

Lockdowns are not a way to eliminate the disease. Lockdowns have never in history eradicated a disease and it will not do that in this case either, and the costs are too high.”

Stanford Professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya responding to Governor DeSantis’ question if lockdowns should be an option.


FL Governor DeSantis Lifts All Coronavirus Restrictions

FL Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order today lifting all remaining restrictions on businesses due to Coronavirus.

This means:

-Bars and restaurants can operate at full capacity
-County and City Governments can not collect any outstanding fines from their pandemic response
-Cities and counties won’t be able to impose any restrictions without an economic and health justification.
-Local governments won’t be able to prevent restaurants from operating at below 50% capacity
-Cities and counties can still impose a minimum 50% capacity restriction as long as they “provide the justification,”
-Local ordinances can not order a business closure or prevent a person from working

DeSantis has increasingly questioned the viability of coronavirus-related business restrictions and has vowed to never shut down the state again, no matter what.

Citizens Group Files Lawsuit Against OH Governor to End Emergency Order


A group of Ohioans has filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Toledo.   The coalition, Ohio Stands Up, filed suit to end Governor DeWine’s emergency orders.

“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American Public,” said Robert Renz, a Freemont, OH, attorney representing the group.

“The object of this legal action is to force the state to honor the constitution and to stop the lies, manipulation and fear-mongering intentionally being promoted by public health officials and elected officials.”

In a 56-page lawsuit, Ohio Stands Up claims state officials have intentionally misled the public and overstated the seriousness of the virus.

Here are a couple of interviews with attorney Robert Renz where he details the fraud and manipulation by state governments and elected officials.  He has done over 2,000 hours worth of work and he will share all his research with any attorney that would like to use it for their own lawsuit.

Beloit School Board Member Ignores Mask Rules at Party

After voting to keep the School District of Beloit’s schools closed for in-person learning,  Board member Maria Delgado was seen in social media posts, smiling, maskless, and unafraid,  prompting outrage from area parents.

The pictures were re-posted on an individual’s Facebook page, sparking controversy. Some parents and grandparents were furious that their children were denied a quality education by someone setting a poor example and acting recklessly.

Comments on Facebook included:

“You should be leading by example and not by “do as I say, not as I do.”

“Clearly we’re seeing it all over social media, so why stop or kids from going to school, many other schools are attending in person and making it work.”

“If you are a public official, it’s only proper to follow the guidelines that the public is expected to follow.”

“If there’s a true and genuine concern for public safety, so much that are children aren’t allowed to go to school, then our leaders need to take it very seriously.”

Other parents feel that the response to the virus is overblown considering the 99.96% survival rate. A smiling, mask-free Delgado proves she knows she is no direct danger but still denies in-person school for area children.

Delgado responded on a Facebook post directly: “I am sorry that this infuriates you. This is my family my friends. A very small portion of my support team whom i have been with throughout this pandemic. I am very sorry that you consider me having a good time with my people offensive and wrong!

Either the virus is deadly and spreading like crazy and everyone should be wearing masks all the time and it is far too dangerous for children to be in school, in which case she shouldn’t be attending parties or leaving her front door without a mask…


The virus is primarily deadly to people with compromised immune systems and the elderly and the risk to children and healthy adults is miniscule and Ms. Delgado knows she is in no danger which is why she attended a party and wasn’t wearing a mask, in which case our children should be in school.

Leave your thoughts below.


Test and Trace App Required in England to Enter Restaurants and Pubs

The National Health Service (NHS) of England recently released their test and trace Covid-19 app for smartphones.

The app offers contact tracing, venue check-in, and local area alerts.  The app is developed by Google and Apple , which in theory suggests it protects a user’s privacy but also suggests that Google and Apple are more involved than ‘only providing the framework for an app’ as they have announced in the United States.

The test and tracing app is the most recent in a series of terrifying tyrannical developments in the United Kingdom such as severe lockdowns, door to door testing conducted by the police in Birmingham, military vehicles  (some armored) from the United Nations in Ireland,  10pm curfew, locking fire exits in university dormitories all over Britain with guards at the main doors, strict limits on gatherings (no more than 6 people at a time), mandatory sign-ins at pubs,  restaurants, and shops, and potentially putting everyone in Britain over the age of 45 on house arrest.

“Cases”, mostly asymptomatic, are the pretext for the dictatorial control measures being placed on UK citizens. Deaths are extremely low.  Just like in the US,  cases do not correlate to an increase in hospitalizations or deaths.  The UK version of open records requests have revealed virtually empty hospitals.

In the meantime, the government is denying care for cancers and other diseases.  The suicide rate is higher than the Covid death rate. The lockdowns will cause more deaths and despair than the virus ever would.

The app has been downloaded over 10 million times, which leaves over 50 million that are either refusing or don’t own a smartphone capable of downloading the app. At this point they are only denied entry to some restaurants and pubs but they fear they will be denied entry to grocery stores next.

The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) told officers not to install the app on their work smartphones and not to bring their personal smartphones with them when they are on duty if they have the app installed.  According to personal accounts on Twitter, the NHS itself told its workers not to download the app and major fast-food chains are giving the same advice to their employees.

Why?  Because putting perfectly healthy people on a revolving cycle of house arrest over a faulty test, or worse, simply being around someone who tested positive from the faulty test, is recipe for disaster for any business, especially ones that are still struggling from the first lockdown, capacity, distancing and cleaning requirements, and ridiculous curfews during their busiest hours of the week.

Suggestions for avoiding this tyranny in the United States include:

  • Do NOT get tested for any reason.  It will not preserve your job or schooling in the long run. Just don’t.  Refuse.  Take a vacation.  Take a leave.  Testing is building the walls of our digital prison.  Even if you are actually sick, taking a test wont change the course of your treatment.  Just stay home and recover.
  • Do NOT install the app under any circumstances.  The more people that adopt the technology, the stronger our digital prison becomes.
  • Ditch the smartphone.  Or destroy it. Or throw it in the toilet. At the very least, leave it at home or buy a good faraday bag.

You must remember that whatever happens in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand is a bellwether for what is coming to the United States sooner than you may realize.  Time is short to prepare.  If you want to be part of the local resistance, join us now.

Evers Creates New Emergency Order and Extends Mask Mandate

Governor Evers’ new mandate on September 22, 2020 and expires November 21, 2020.   Based on rising “cases” at colleges, Evers declared a new public health emergency and reset the mask mandate.

Some interesting tidbits from the order include giving DHS directions, activate the national guard, and direct state agencies to assist as appropriate.

1. Designate the Department of Health Services as the lead agency to respond to the public health emergency and direct the Department to take all necessary and appropriate measures to prevent and respond to COVID-19.

2. Authorize the Adjutant General to activate the Wisconsin National Guard as necessary and appropriate to assist in the State’s response to the public health emergency, including providing personnel to support the November 3 general election and personnel to operate community testing sites throughout Wisconsin.

3. Direct all state agencies to assist as appropriate in the State’s ongoing response to the public health emergency

The order went into effect immediately, and will expire on Nov. 21st. Violations of the mask mandate continue to carry a fine of up to $200.

There are a few ways you can fight back.

  1. Ignore it.  Mandates are not laws and mass civil disobedience is the best weapon we have right now. Let your family and friends know that mandates are not laws. Post it on social media.  Be brave and don’t wear a mask in stores.  Most stores don’t enforce it.
  2. Contact your representatives.  They have the authority to overturn this.  Despite the efforts of Wisconsin Senators,  speaker Robin Vos refused to call a special session to overturn the previous order.  Many representatives at the time claimed it was because if they were to overturn it, Evers would retaliate by closing schools.  Schools are being closed anyway by the local health departments due to mass testing. Find your representatives here or contact all of them here.
  3. Continue to fight at the local level.  Cities and Counties are trying to push through their own mandates in case Ever’s mandate is overturned.
  4. Consider legal action at the local level.  Challenge both the emergency and the mask mandates themselves.  There are currently legal actions happening at the state level.
  5. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for more ideas.



Federal Judge Rules PA Governor Tom Wolf’s Shut Down Orders Unconstitutional

Back in May, several state lawmakers and four western Pennsylvania counties filed a a lawsuit against Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine.

Judge Stickman has now  ruled that the shutdown orders violated the first amendment of the US Constitution.

U.S. District Court Judge William Stickman IV said the limits on gatherings of 25 people indoors and 250 out of doors, as well as the stay-at-home and business closure components of the orders issued by Wolf and Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine were both unconstitutional.

“The court closes this opinion as it began, by recognizing that defendants’ actions at issue here were undertaken with the good intention of addressing a public health emergency,” Stickman wrote. “But even in an emergency, the authority of government is not unfettered. The liberties protected by the Constitution are not fair-weather freedoms — in place when times are good but able to be cast aside in times of trouble.”

Governor Tom Wolf’s administration is appealing the decision, but the judge will not allow the mitigation measures like capacity and shut down restrictions to remain in place during the appeal.

Oklahoma Doctors File Lawsuit Against City Mayor and Health Dept over Mask Mandate

A group of Tulsa doctors and business owners are suing the Tulsa mayor, the City Councilors,  and the Health Department over the mask mandate.

The lawsuit claims the mask mandate is unconstitutional, causes healthy people to become sick, and is trying to prevent a disease that is not a deadly threat to children and most of the public.

The lawsuit states, “The Court should invalidate and repeal Ordinance No. 24408 of the City of Tulsa (attached to this Complaint as Ex. A, the “Tulsa Mask Mandate”) because face coverings create an “oxygen deficient atmosphere,” which the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) defines as an “atmosphere with an oxygen content below 19.5% by volume.” 29 CFR 1910.134(b).

Doctors, scientists, and other medical professionals will line up in this Court to demonstrate and testify that face coverings lower oxygen levels in the immediate atmosphere of someone wearing face coverings to less than the Department of Labor’s required 19.5%, normally within less than ten (10) seconds.

Read more here: https://www.wfmj.com/story/42510918/doctor-zoellner-clark-filing-lawsuit-to-lift-mayor-bynums-mask-mandate

and https://tulsaworld.com/news/local/article_0d4c47d4-dcac-5cf8-b788-b80271a9cfa5.html