The National Health Service (NHS) of England recently released their test and trace Covid-19 app for smartphones.
The app offers contact tracing, venue check-in, and local area alerts. The app is developed by Google and Apple , which in theory suggests it protects a user’s privacy but also suggests that Google and Apple are more involved than ‘only providing the framework for an app’ as they have announced in the United States.
The test and tracing app is the most recent in a series of terrifying tyrannical developments in the United Kingdom such as severe lockdowns, door to door testing conducted by the police in Birmingham, military vehicles (some armored) from the United Nations in Ireland, 10pm curfew, locking fire exits in university dormitories all over Britain with guards at the main doors, strict limits on gatherings (no more than 6 people at a time), mandatory sign-ins at pubs, restaurants, and shops, and potentially putting everyone in Britain over the age of 45 on house arrest.
“Cases”, mostly asymptomatic, are the pretext for the dictatorial control measures being placed on UK citizens. Deaths are extremely low. Just like in the US, cases do not correlate to an increase in hospitalizations or deaths. The UK version of open records requests have revealed virtually empty hospitals.
In the meantime, the government is denying care for cancers and other diseases. The suicide rate is higher than the Covid death rate. The lockdowns will cause more deaths and despair than the virus ever would.
The app has been downloaded over 10 million times, which leaves over 50 million that are either refusing or don’t own a smartphone capable of downloading the app. At this point they are only denied entry to some restaurants and pubs but they fear they will be denied entry to grocery stores next.
The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) told officers not to install the app on their work smartphones and not to bring their personal smartphones with them when they are on duty if they have the app installed. According to personal accounts on Twitter, the NHS itself told its workers not to download the app and major fast-food chains are giving the same advice to their employees.
Why? Because putting perfectly healthy people on a revolving cycle of house arrest over a faulty test, or worse, simply being around someone who tested positive from the faulty test, is recipe for disaster for any business, especially ones that are still struggling from the first lockdown, capacity, distancing and cleaning requirements, and ridiculous curfews during their busiest hours of the week.
Suggestions for avoiding this tyranny in the United States include:
- Do NOT get tested for any reason. It will not preserve your job or schooling in the long run. Just don’t. Refuse. Take a vacation. Take a leave. Testing is building the walls of our digital prison. Even if you are actually sick, taking a test wont change the course of your treatment. Just stay home and recover.
- Do NOT install the app under any circumstances. The more people that adopt the technology, the stronger our digital prison becomes.
- Ditch the smartphone. Or destroy it. Or throw it in the toilet. At the very least, leave it at home or buy a good faraday bag.
You must remember that whatever happens in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand is a bellwether for what is coming to the United States sooner than you may realize. Time is short to prepare. If you want to be part of the local resistance, join us now.